How Much Craziness Can One Girl Get Up to In A Day?

Today and tomorrow are going to be in the 70’s. Probably the last two days like this until fall. So, I’m trying to get a ton of stuff done. My husband was supposed to go after the boxwoods that are out of control. I needed to cut back the giant fig I have. Since I’ve been waiting months for this to happen and the mowers can’t get into the backyard like it was, I took some loppers and cut a bunch of stuff back.

I don’t even know how these guys were getting back here to mow.
The fig hanging over and shading my bed.
The mess I’ve actually been waiting years for help with. I want to totally take out these dumb boxwood. One day it will happen. I hope.
There you go mower guys. Don’t say I never did anything for you. Well. Other than pay you. Now, I have to move the huge brush pile.

Then: I’m still working on these wicking beds. I cleaned out underneath the pond liner. Trash had blown in from our oak. What actually shocked me was some how a smashed water bottle ended up below the pond liner. I have no idea how it got there. We did have some massive storms blow in… But under the pond liner, lining heavy huge cinder blocks? I even had a tarp over the whole thing with 2×4’s holding it in place. Magic, I guess.

50 lb bags of sand.
What is going in the wicking beds.
Drain tile I’ve been messing with, on and off, for two weeks.
New bulkhead fitting. I put this low because I have read in high heat areas you want to flush the water reservoir a couple of times a year. I will add an upturned piece of garden hose to make the fill level higher.

Still not finished: I then needed to harvest the mulberry tree. So, I put a tarp out and shook the branches. Came in. Ate leftovers and then cleaned a big bowl of mulberries. It requires a bowl, a butter knife to extend the reach of your cupped hand, and a lot of rinsing: out the lip on the side of the bowl.

Plastic tarp under the mulberry.
Shaking each limb.
What I ended up with. I had a storm blow through and knock a bunch down. Then a squirrel found his way up into it. My dog made sure that particular squirrel will never do anything in my garden again. (Good boy! Kill those tree rats! Whippets are awesome dogs.)

I love the length of time this tree produces. Everbearing mulberries are the way to go. They are getting really tasty as the heat and lack of rain are sweetening them up.

My older boy is also home with a cold. Hopefully, I don’t catch it. I have too much to do!

Anyway, I’m stiff and sore and expecting more of the same tomorrow. It’s so bad I can’t turn my head to the side much. Love the fibromyalgia, thanks granny. Ahh. The joys of aging. Not.

I will remind you that I’m in my 50s, but my mom is in her seventies. She still manages a remote ranch in Colorado, by herself, and slings chainsaws when she comes to visit. She’s also always armed. I wouldn’t mess with her! I’m from a long line of female badasses.

See you out in the garden where we can kick ass and take names, and then slowly limp our way back inside.

Crazy Green Thumbs

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